Loxie and Zoot

Stuff: Candid Bares

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The Koala Bay Bares
This group shot of the regular characters from The Koala Bay Bares was drawn to feature in an article I wrote for Australian Sun & Health (issue #60) about loxieandzoot.com. Although Loxie and Zoot had popped up in print a few times before, this was the first time I'd seen all the characters printed... it was quite a buzz! It was also the first real reference I had for the various characters' height and proportions relevant to each other, so was very useful. I reprinted this picture with my introduction to The Koala Bares.

The cast of Loxie & Zoot – back, left to right: Val, Herb, Janet, Fred, Harry, Kim, Loxie, Zoot, Mungo, Pete, Geena, Willow, Tash and Herb; front: Zinni with Kubes (the Bares mascot), Chrystel and Nick.

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